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- Date: Sat, 9 Jul 1994 09:08:20 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Fri, 8 Jul 94 23:17:45 EDT
- Subject: Gem List (fwd) from goemon
- Subject: Gem List
- Subject: RE: Gem Listing (fwd)
- Subject: Re: Gem Listing (fwd)
- Subject: RE: Gem Listing (fwd)
- Date: Sat, 9 Jul 1994 09:08:20 -0400 (EDT)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Forwarded message:
- >From goemon@venice.mps.ohio-state.edu Fri Jul 8 23:17:53 1994
- From: Goemon <goemon@venice.mps.ohio-state.edu>
- Message-Id: <9407090317.AA11185@venice.mps.ohio-state.edu>
- Subject: Gem List
- To: gem-list-approval@world.std.com
- Date: Fri, 8 Jul 94 23:17:45 EDT
- TO: gem-list@world.std.com
- Subject: RE: Gem Listing (fwd)
- David:
- ------
- > No, the point is that using the mouse events (in/out of
- > rectangles) is pretty difficult. Your code [sorry, this system
- > doesn't support quoting] is a busy loop which was what we were
- > trying to get away from.
- Busy looping? What do you call a "do { } while" ??? THAT'S a busy loop
- if I ever SAW one!
- > I'd appreciate it if someone could
- > post a code fragment using rectangle events, I agree it shouldn't be too
- > difficult just that I've never had chance to try!
- Trust me, it's more difficult than what I posted, and it takes more time to
- use. Why not just TRY my code out and see for yourself? Speed difference
- is almost NIL.
- > and I need to trigger an event as the mouse passes into or out of the inner
- > rectangle.
- Refer to programmers' manuals... I know that MU_M1 and MU_M2 provide these,
- but since I never use this, I don't know.
- -Ken Hollis
- -----
- Subject: Re: Gem Listing (fwd)
- Warwick:
- --------
- > Ken, I agree, that way is very easy to code. The problem is whether it
- > is of sufficiently low cost to impose it as a standard for applications
- > to follow.
- I don't quite understand what you mean by saying "low cost". It's just about
- four lines of code that is easy to do. It takes almost no time, because,
- it checks the object under the mouse. Here's something that does almost
- EXACTLY the same thing as rectangle events:
- /* Program start */
- /* Assume all variables are known by their names. Pretty easy to understand,
- or so I would hope. */
- last_edit = 0;
- do {
- /* Do your event loop thingie here */
- object = objc_find(tree, mouse_x, mouse_y);
- if ((last_edit != object) && (object != -1)) {
- last_edit = object;
- if (tree[last_edit].ob_flags & EDITABLE)
- graf_mouse(TEXT_CRSR, 0L);
- else
- graf_mouse(ARROW, 0L);
- }
- } while(!(exitobject));
- The ONLY way you can find out which object is under the mouse is by using
- objc_find. There is absolutely no other way to get rectangles under the
- mouse without having to SAVE the physical dimensions of the rectangles,
- storing those in an array, and checking the array every time the mouse
- moves. That's slower, and I think that's what SOME of you are trying to get
- at. This is the FASTEST idea I can think of off the top of my head. Bench-
- marking may prove faster.
- >(1) is easy to code (thank you Ken), but an inefficient use of
- > events, as if 5 multitasking programs do this, then for
- > every motion of the mouse, each of those programs will
- > be woken up and each will call objc_find. In many cases,
- > the objc_find will be very short, but it is still a system
- > call for each application for every motion of the mouse.
- Warwick, I don't think you understood me. The only time the mouse will be
- checked is if the program is topped, or background activated. It will not
- check the mouse otherwise.
- If it's more difficult to code, why not use the method I explained earlier?
- Even E_GEM does this!
- > But if all GEM libraries are the same, why would you change from one to
- > another? GEM++ for example doesn't even use the Extended Object Types
- > byte. It uses full parameterized object instantiations presribed in
- > the code, allowing any number of different types of object from sliders
- > to scrolling self-drawing objects.
- That's the problem. Not all GEM libraries are the same. Why not use
- Extended Object Types? They add functionality and make the resources look
- better. That's the reason EObT's are there.
- > What do you think Drag And Drop is for? Exactly what sorts of messages
- > do you have in mind? If I write a pair of apps that send each other messages,
- > they can use whatever protocol I want, as it is not a shared resource.
- You're forgetting that Drag-and-drop is an application message! AP_DRAGDROP
- is the name... Did you forget, or did that just pass your mind?
- > For broadcast messages, you have a point, but collecting non-broadcast
- > message types is of no relevance. How many new broadcast message types
- > currently exist? 0?
- It's nice to follow some standards. If you want to code for non-broadcast,
- that's your choice. Most of us like to follow a list so they can find out
- if they can create WM or WF messages as they wish, without clashing with
- other messages.
- > Not at all. XBRA doesn't reply on some central list of unique identifiers.
- > It relies on programs following a fixed standard.
- *NOT AT ALL* If two programs use the same XBRA identifier for chaining into
- a vector (which is entirely likely), bad things *WILL HAPPEN*. Either the
- program would assume it's already installed into the vector (which would not
- be the case) or if it tried to unchain from the XBRA chain, it could unchain
- the *WRONG PROGRAM*. That's why the XBRA list exists, to make sure things
- like this don't happen.
- The cookie jar is another place where clashes can happen. Of course, you'll
- probably say a master cookie list isn't needed either. :-)
- Of course, if you actually wrote vector sharing programs, you would
- understand this.
- -Ken Hollis
- -----------
- Subject: RE: Gem Listing (fwd)
- > Who said it was difficult? We're not talking about difficulty. We were
- > talking about system overhead and wasted time.
- >
- > What's difficult is making a larger-than-1-pixel rectangle so that your
- > app doesn't have to be called for every mouse movement, and system time
- > doesn't have to be wasted.
- The only time this will happen is when the application is topped. If it's
- not topped, then a click in one of the windows will send an event to
- the app to "wake up".
- Even so, the overhead is *miniscule*. I've got it in my head to write a
- benchmark program to compare overheads of different methods, and put this
- argument to rest permanently.
- -Ken Hollis
- ----------
- > [...]
- > fruitless (since it is a never ending argument). Geneva was specifically
- > designed to meet a set of requirements (small size, excellent user
- > performance, older application compatibility) which are very different
- > than the design specs for MagiC.
- Small? 250kb (or so) for GEM patches only, isn't so small.
- 192k for a entire ROMable OS is small. :-)
- Older application compatibility? Ok, here Geneva does fine. However, who
- actually wants to run old badly written programs? :-)
- Also, I take exception to the "excellent user performance" bit. :-)
- I think that anyone who has taken a look at the internals of Geneva will
- be UNimpressed. On the surface it appears nice, but once you start digging
- into its internals, you realize that it's actually quite a hack.
- When a friend and I were digging around with Geneva a couple months ago, this
- is what we found:
- You run one application under Geneva, everything is cool.
- You run two applications under Geneva, and something interesting happens:
- The second application is actually running "under" the first application, at
- this point they are sharing 50% of the CPU.
- Envision the application tree like this:
- |
- v
- Application 1
- |
- v
- Application 2
- Now start up a third application.
- The third application also runs "under" the first application, and something
- interesting happens again: The first application gets 50% CPU, and the
- other two get 25% each (regardless of who happens to be "topped").
- The application tree now looks like this:
- |
- v
- .-- Application 1 --.
- | |
- v v
- Application 2 Application 3
- This means that the applications are getting an uneven share of the CPU.
- Also if I remember correctly, anything allocated by applications 2 and 3
- actually belong to *application 1*. This means Mallocs, file handles, etc.
- Nasty.
- This is how the application tree *should* look:
- .------------ GEM --------------.
- | | |
- v v v
- Application 1 Application 2 Application 3
- In this case each application would be getting an even amount of CPU time,
- and each application would truly own their own memory, handles, etc.
- I would imagine the reason for all this silliness is that Geneva does not
- really replace AES, but simply hooks into it. If it actually replaced the
- AES, I doubt any sane person would implement the replacement AES like
- Geneva does :-)
- Geneva also doesn't touch VDI at all, but this is not a problem since things
- like NVDI and UIS III continue to work fine. :-)
- Of course, this was discovered with a beta copy of Geneva, and things could
- have changed since then, but I doubt it. :-)
- -Goemon